Value Driven Employer Branding

When you want to distinguish your employer brand for your employees and candidates you need a solid Employer Value Proposition (EVP). Make your EVP the value driven foundation for your Employer Brand. Create this starting point, guideline and compass in one. 

Successful organizations know what their current employees find important. They also delve into what their future candidates want. Employers often think they know what their employees find valuable in their jobs. Look beyond the obvious answers and also pay attention to things that your people might say a little less quickly. The working relationship between employees and managers, for example, or corporate social responsibility. Look at the EVP through the eyes of the employee.

An EVP includes the reason why an employee works at your organization. And remember: work is more than just the job! If you want to attract, motivate and retain talent, invest in the total concept and make your employer branding value driven.

Strengthen Your Sustainable Experience

Look for aspects with which you can make a positive difference. It regularly emerges that employees find sustainability a particularly valuable theme. And that does not only apply to younger generations. Everyone wants to contribute to a better world. How do you translate that into your employer brand? With a clear vision on sustainability you can make an impact on employees and candidates.

For employer brand managers, this means that we must deliver a sustainable experience in addition to the candidate / employee experience. The best way to strengthen your employer branding with sustainability is to change from storytelling to storydoing: walk the talk!

Add Internal Branding Programs

Everybody understands that retention really needs attention for our organizations to limit our regrettable losses. In order to deliver on great retention, value driven employer branding and sustainable experiences, internal branding will play an important role in 2020 and 2021.

When you want to connect the most suitable people to your organization, turn your employees into eager storytellers (brand ambassadors). If you also manage to involve candidates as brand ambassadors, you will achieve even better results for your employer reputation.

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Please contact me: Inge Beckers, EVP Maker | Consultant HR Communications | Employer Brand Manager